Dino Angelov
Software ArchitectCategories
Building a Home HQ: When a Tablet Just Won't Do
Remove a package dependency added via Swift Package Manager in Xcode 14.0 beta 4
Showing and hiding alternate menu items in Swift on macOS
Movable windows in Swift with no title bar
Remove a package dependency added via Swift Package Manager in Xcode 14.0 beta 4
Generate animations and video with Go, gg and ffmpeg
Make a PDF look scanned
Connect a Raspberry Pi or Orange Pi to your Arch machine
Push Notifications for iOS and Android with a PHP back end
1 Year in the App Store – when “Move Fast and Break Things” doesn’t work
An up-to-date guide to using PLCrashReporter in your app
Dimming an external non-Mac monitor
Writing my first Mac App
Getting started with Sublime Text (and becoming more productive)
Setting up Boris on macOS